Take Control of Your Business with Our World-Class Energy and Renewables Consultancy Services

We help companies build, evolve and maintain global standards with our services.





About Us

We are here to do business!

The Alpha Maxvalue Energy and Renewables Ltd team is led by Kadiri John, who act as the Managing Director and Principal Commercial Consultant. John has vast experience in Power, Oil and Gas Industries garnered over a period of twenty-one years working for Agip-ENI and The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC – Operator of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Total Exploration and Production Nigeria Ltd, Nigerian Agip Oil Company, Joint Venture) in various roles in finance and commercial before retiring as manager and head of gas and power commercial operations.

Why Choose Us?

We are well-experienced Energy and Renewables Consultancy Professionals with young minds.

Passion & Commitment
Honesty & Openness
Dedicated Team
Practical Approach